Frequently Asked Questions
How do I redeem a gift card?
Well, lucky you eh! What lovely friends and family you have.
Your gift card number works the same as a discount code - in your case, 100% discount! So just enter the code on your gift card at checkout to redeem.
Please note, you will be required to create an account before you reach the checkout.
If you’re still unsure how to redeem a gift card, please download our guide here.
Where is the course?
Online! When you sign up you’ll have access the members hub where you’ll find all 6 week episodes, homework for each week and a pre-recorded Q&A with Ruby where she answers common questions on each topic. We will also be announcing dates of live links with Ruby and her new tour dates.
How much is the course?
The full six-week course is £96
Can I split payments?
Agh, we’d really love to but currently that option isn’t supported on our website.
When does the course take place?
The course is online and designed to run at your own speed over 6 weeks. We suggest you do one episode a week, at the same time each week, for 6 weeks, with or without Ruby’s latest book ‘A Mindfulness Guide To Survival’. In addition, Ruby sets homework and we will be releasing dates of live talks with Ruby (in the member area) where you can put your question to her.
Can I watch the 6 episodes any time, and more than once?
Yes absolutely! Once you purchase the course it’s yours to keep and watch again and again, revisiting exercises and advice as and when you require.
Miscellaneous questions or tech support
Please let us know at rubywax.net/support and one of the team will respond asap
I would like some urgent help with topics discussed in Ruby’s course and would like to speak to a professional.
Please visit Ruby’s ‘Help & Resource’ page here where you can find a list of charities and organisations ready to help.